On the night you were born cakesmash Yaz

Photography with Love indianen cakesmash
Jayden Cakesmash
luchtballonnen cakesmash photography with love
Raylene cakesmash

On the night you’re born, you brought wonder and magic to the world……..Een signature cakesmash met smaragdgroene tinten, een giraffe, ijsbeer en olifant. On the night you were born bood het perfecte decor voor deze cakesmash. Kleine Yaz kwam samen met zijn mama alvast zijn 1ste verjaardag vieren. Met een grote glimlach liet hij zich in een ander outfit hijsen. Zijn taart kon hem niet helemaal bekoren, maar het badje was dolle spetterpret.

Photography with Love on the night you were born Photography with Love on the night you were born Photography with Love on the night you were born Photography with Love on the night you were born Photography with Love on the night you were born Photography with Love on the night you were born Photography with Love on the night you were born Photography with Love on the night you were born Photography with Love on the night you were born Photography with Love on the night you were born Photography with Love on the night you were born Photography with Love on the night you were born Photography with Love on the night you were born Photography with Love on the night you were born

Wil jij de verjaardag van jullie kindje ook vieren met een onvergetelijke cakesmash? Reserveren of meer info

Bij een signature cakesmash wordt een uniek decor gebouwd gericht op jullie wensen. Ook de taart zal volledig in het thema passen. Ontzettend leuk en na afloop een prachtig fotoalbum als mooie herinnering.
